Marriage trials in the CIC 1917. Evaluation of norms after more than 100 years
canon law, procedural law, marriage processes, changes in the law, marriage annulment, code of canon lawAbstract
More than 100 years after the announcement of the first Code of Canon Law in the history of the Church, it is worth analyzing and evaluating the norms regarding matrimonial processes contained in this code, comparing them with the norms currently in force, in order to show which norms survived such a time and which had to be changed. It is worth examining which norms and why they have become obsolete, have been omitted, and which have been significantly changed and which have been clarified. The norms and legal institutions that were retained in the 1983 Code of Criminal Procedure, so they remained in force and lasted for over 100 years, were briefly treated as well-developed. Greater attention was paid to norms that have been omitted or changed because they are less known in the consciousness of contemporaries. In the research described in this article, the following methods were used: comparative, historical-legal and dogmatic-legal.
The article found that in CIC/17 the section dealing with proceedings in matrimonial matters was more aptly named as "matrimonial matters" and not "marriage trials", as is the case in CIC/83, because not only procedural proceedings are regulated there. In the first code, the scope of competence of ecclesiastical courts in matrimonial matters was narrower. The norms for matrimonial trials in CIC/17, which were substantially changed in CIC/83, include: procedural capacity of the parties (extended), competencies of promoter of justice and defender of the bond of marriage (restricted), presence of lawyers at hearings. It is worth noting that the norms of CIC/17 relating to the documentary process became the prototype of the norms issued by Pope Francis in 2015 in the Motu Proprio "Mitis Iudex Dominus Jesus".
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