Missions in the lamidat of Reï Bouba (Cameroon) - a difficult road to tolerance
Northern Cameroon, Reï Bouba, Islam, Christian-Muslim dialogue, Catholic missions, Kirdi, FulbeAbstract
Beginning in the 16th century, the Fulbe arrived in increasing numbers in what is now northern Cameroon. In the 19th century the Fulbe militarily conquered northern Cameroon. However, their power eluded numerous enclaves of Kirdi peoples. The Fulbe gained much greater dominion over the Kirdi during the German and French rule. They took advantage of their dominant political position and the fact that they cooperated with the colonizers. They thus led to a greater Islamization of these lands, but did not win the majority of the population for their religion. In the mid-20th century, Catholic missions, as well as Protestant missions, began to thrive in Kirdi areas. Their activities were restrained by the Fulbe rulers. Also after Cameroon's independence, favoritism between the Fulbe and Islam in northern Cameroon continued. However, this fierce rivalry began to give way to a more peaceful coexistence and even cooperation in many areas of society. There has been a time of difficult dialogue, which is still struggling with the past, prejudice and misunderstanding among many religious and political leaders.
A classic example of the transition from a period of conflict and strife to tolerance and even dialogue can be seen in the history of the Catholic missions in the Rei Bouba lamidate. This lamidate was established by the powerful Yillaga family. It was - and still is -de facto a theocratic state. Catholic missions were established on its territory with difficulty: in Touboro Tcholliré and Madingrin. That a difficult time of confrontation was followed by a time of tolerance and even dialogue is evidenced by recent years of mutual relations.
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