Synod of Bishops together with collegial care for the Church
Second Vatican Council, Synod of BishopsAbstract
The reflection of the Second Vatican Council on the episcopate and the principle of collegiality connected with it became an important theological foundation for the establishment of the institution of the Synod of Bishops, as well as for the definition of the role and importance of this institution in the post-conciliar Church. The institution of the Synod of Bishop was established by Pope Paul VI, motu proprio Apostolica sollicitudo on September 15, 1965. On the one hand, it is a document establishing the institution, and at the same time it contains normative and doctrinal elements on the subject of the Synod of Bishops. From the very beginning of its existence, the Synod of Bishops was perceived as the place of meeting and dialogue between the Roman Pontiff and the episcopate. When analyzing the legal basis regulating the tasks and structure of the institutions of the Synods of Bishops, the following document should be mentioned; motu proprio Apostolica sollicitudo, witch created the institution; the canons of the 1983 Code of Canon Law on the Synod of Bishops; regulations regarding the functioning of the institution; the regulations of 1966 approved by Paul VI together with the amendments of 1969 and 1971, regulations approved by Pope Benedict XVI of 2006, and the regulations currently in force approved by Pope Francis of 2018. Meeting of the Synod of Bishops may be of a different character. The Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis communio of Pope Francis of 2018 distinguishes three types of assembly of the Synod of Bishops: Ordinary General Assembly when matters concerning the common Church are being considered; The Extraordinary General Assembly, if the matters to be dealt with concern the goad of the universal Church and require urgent consideration; Special Assemblies where the agenda is primarily one or more specific geographic areas. If, however, the Roman Pontiff deems it appropriate, especially for ecumenical reasons, he may convene a synodal assembly according to another procedure which he deems. From 1967 to 2022, thirty Bishops’ Synods were convened, including sixteen ordinary general assemblies, three extraordinary assemblies, ten special assemblies and one dedicated to the pastoral situation in the Netherlands.
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