The miraculous catch of fish in John 21, 1-14 as an image of the eschatological Church in the light of Super Ioannem by St. Thomas Aquinas
catch of fish, ecclesiology, eschatology, Church, biblical meanings, Super Ioannem, theory of four biblical meanings, Thomas Aquinas , biblical ThomismAbstract
A recognised philosopher and theologian and known in his time as the magister in Sacra Pagina, Thomas Aquinas builds his theological reflections by interpreting individual books of the Bible. In order to understand Aquinas’ thought contained in his syntheses, it is necessary to return to his biblical commentaries, which show the way to reach theological theses. It is all the more necessary when taking up the subject for which Thomas Aquinas leaves no separate synthesis but places it in various places in his rich bibliography, and in which the problem of ecclesiology is included. In the commentary to the miraculous catch of fish scene described in John 21, 1–14, St. Thomas gives a unique lecture on his ecclesiological thought. Faithful to the theory of the four biblical meanings he develops, he extracts from the text the wealth of theological content regarding the Church, intended by God to give to man. In such a manner, St. Thomas shows the Church on his way towards God, where he will reach his fullness on the eternal feast. The reality of the Church read in this way thus finds its eschatological orientation.
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