Christian forgiveness and justice
justice, mercy, love, wine, forgivenessAbstract
This article is attempt to explore, define and explain the relationship of forgiveness to justice in the perspective of the practice of Christian vocation. All manifestations of human injustice imply the need for forgiveness. Christian forgiveness is a call to concrete action, but it is also a permanent state of heart. In Christianity, forgiveness is inseparable from and complements justice, transforming both the forgiver and the person being forgiven. The test of the genuineness of Christian forgiveness is that it liberate a person from selfish self-love. Every person is capable of Christian forgiveness because they have the gift of love from God in their heart and learn to love other people selflessly and unconditionally. Therefore, the most eloquent image of forgiveness is a mother’s love, as she goes after every child who is humanly undeserving of forgiveness and love.
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