The dysfunctional family and its impact on the person’s development of behaviour disorders in the process of forming the maturity of personality for marriage



family, emotional bond, dysfunctional family, alcoholism, divorce, social maladjustment, anxieties, the feel of guilty and shame, the importance of feelings


In each society the family plays an essential role and it is the most common form of a social life, which meets the vital needs of its members included both in the individual categories and in the social ones. The family is the most crucial social link and the main educational institution that consists of the spouses, their children and, of course, the relatives of the wife and the husband.

The stability of the family environment determines the important factor of the child’s emotional balance and their sanity. The issue of divorce or the father’s alcoholism can cause the breakdown of the family which always results in a child’s state of shock and permanent trauma. In the consequences, it may lead to the occurence of the fears in the child’s life, the lack of the sense of security and, furthermore, it can activate the depression state and other symptoms of neurosis. According to a large number of researchers, this situation of the disunity of the family or the father’s alcoholism can, additionally, create the suitable conditions for the developmnet of the asocial behaviour. The atmosphere of the pressure and dysharmony has a destructive effect on the child’s life. The disagreement and the lack of love in the interpersonal relashionships involve the growth of asocial behaviours and situations. In this case, there is an overlap between the two traumatic situations such as the alcoholism and the disunity of the family. On one hand, the first is preceded by a marriage confict, which is treated by the child as a danger. On the other hand, the second traumatic situation is connected with the child’s adolescence in a single-parent family with one personal model, instead of, the needed two ones. These dramatic conditions impede the child’s identification and, depending on the age of the child, can leave various negative traces on their personality.

The Second Vatican Council points out that the concept of the family should become the school of the richer humanity. However, it is only possible to achieve when the main shared family good is to provide each community member with the propitious conditions for the comprehensive growth. It includes the physical and intellectual development, as well as the religious and moral one. It shoud be highlighted that the balance of the family environment plays a basic role for the child’s emotional and mental health. The family is both the beginning and the main source of the interpersonal relationships and the child’s first emotional bonds. It performs as a main factor in creating the child’s sanity.


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Author Biography

Krzysztof Graczyk, Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr hab., studia specjalistyczne z zakresu prawa kanonicznego na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim (1994–1998), uwieńczone doktoratem z kościelnego prawa małżeńskiego. Sędzia w Sądzie Kościelnym Diecezji Włocławskiej. Wykładowca prawa kanonicznego. W 2013 r. uzyskał licencjat z teologii na PWT we Wrocławiu, a w 2015 r. habilitację na Wydziale Teologicznym UMK. Autor kilkudziesięciu artykułów prawnych i prawno-duszpasterskich w pozycjach książkowych i czasopismach.



How to Cite

Graczyk, K. (2018). The dysfunctional family and its impact on the person’s development of behaviour disorders in the process of forming the maturity of personality for marriage. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 407–432. Retrieved from


