The mercy in the Pope Francis’s teachings towards the youth on the occasion of 31st World Youth Day 2016 in Cracow



mercy, youth, World Youth Day, Pope Francis, acts of mercy, following Christ


Pope Francis as a subject of the 31st World Youth Day 2016 in Cracow choose a statement „Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matt. 5:7) Not only the meaning is absorbing, but also the form of expression, thanks to which, Pope Francis got right to hearts of young people from all over the world. He showed how the Gospel blessing, the truth of mercy can become an essence of young people’s life. In his message to the youth, Pope Francis claimed that mercy has always got a young face, hence he was sad about „young pensioners” who are indrawn, bored, live their lives without any enthusiasm, hope and dreams. Mercy, that is always a Christ’s following, is the courage of world changing, the experiencing of freedom, the dreaming of a new better world. Pope Francis was warning the youth of the happiness identification with a comfortable life, with lying on a couch and encouraging them to put „the competitive shoes” on to go into the life. He was encouraging the youth to creative realisation of love through the acts of mercy which would be the answer for newer and newer needs of modern human. He was persuading that everyday life with love is not only a witness of God who is the love but also a way of realisation of freedom and true happiness which is something else than various pleasures having consequences for enslavement of human and closing him in the world of hopeless and fear. Only in a free and open heart that can dream there is a place for mercy.


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Author Biography

Artur Niemira, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr teol., absolwent Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Gregoriańskiego w Rzymie. Prowadzi zajęcia z teologii moralnej w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym we Włocławku, na Wydziale Teologicznym UMK w Toruniu oraz w Studium Teologii w Koninie. Od 2005 r. kanclerz Kurii Diecezjalnej Włocławskiej, autor artykułów z zakresu teologii moralnej fundamentalnej i szczegółowej.



How to Cite

Niemira, A. (2021). The mercy in the Pope Francis’s teachings towards the youth on the occasion of 31st World Youth Day 2016 in Cracow. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 309–324. Retrieved from


