The Theological Society in Włocławek (1928–1939) and the informal continuation of its activity in the post-war era (1963–1973)



academic activity in Włocławek, the Theological Society in Włocławek, the Major Seminary in Włocławek, academic and discussion conferences


Formally erected in 1984 the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek was not the first academic society in the Major Seminary in Włocławek. The first organisation of this kind was founded here in 1928 under the name of Theological Society and was working until 1939. The society led various activities, such as: academic, popularisation – amongst the Włocławek intelligentsia and formation (ascetic) – amongst its members.

The renewal of the normal activity of Theological Society after the World War II, over the years of communist regime, was impossible. Although, over the years 1962–1973, it happened to be possible to lead informal internal academic lectures connected with the professors’ discussions. Since 1965, there were lectures organised for the entire seminary community (for professors and seminarians together). It was also led the popularisation activity for Włocławek intelligentsia.


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Author Biography

Kazimierz Rulka, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Mgr, studia specjalistyczne w zakresie historii Kościoła na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w latach 1969–1973.



How to Cite

Rulka, K. (2018). The Theological Society in Włocławek (1928–1939) and the informal continuation of its activity in the post-war era (1963–1973). Studia Włocławskie, 20, 43–68. Retrieved from


