The United States as viewed through philosophy of history


  • Piotr Liszka Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


North America, United States, utopia, paradise, culture, politics, economy


North America’s common heritage is that of Canada and the United States, the terrains colonised at first by settlers from England with other peoples from Europe, Asia and Africa to come later on. The greatest by far influence was exerted by men and women of English and Protestant descent. The future of the continent was made up of two utopias, of a new paradise and a new civilisation, which were to draw on the heritage that had been developed in the former country with which the settlers were severing their ties. They would found a new society that lived separate from the indigenous peoples.

North and South Americas showed significant differences in their development though the driving force pushing men and women to leave the old for the new continent were similar. It was not among the English that the utopia of a new paradise was stronger. The Spaniards would emphasise the continuity that drew on the heritage and put it to good use under new circumstances, in a broader perspective. Iberian America (colonised by Spain and Portugal) would from the start make up a unity with the old continent. It was built by state administration, from top down. Here was no severance of the ties, no flight from the old country, no wars between settlers and regular troops from the old country. Colonies and the old countries were one. Independent states would only emerge after centuries. Indigenous peoples were recognised as citizens with full rights. Spanish settlers would not separate from them; they formed a new society with them.

The new society in North America was built through centuries by settlers from a variety of European countries. It was created spontaneously, from bottom up. Settlers would sever ties with countries of their origin. They put up a fight against England that wished to incorporate the territory. They soon gained independence and a country was called into being that would develop along the lines of two fundamental utopias: that of a new paradise and that of a new civilisation. This development has held ever since.


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How to Cite

Liszka, P. (2019). The United States as viewed through philosophy of history. Studia Włocławskie, 21, 547–564. Retrieved from


