Paradigm of freedom and liberation. Historical and theological reflections


  • Paweł Bortkiewicz Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


freedom, independence, secular state, laicism, Poland


The topic on freedom and liberation that is inspired by the anniversary of Poland’s independence regaining is not only a historical and political topic, but also a philosophic and theological one. These two branches let describe not only freedom, but also ask questions about its criteria, limits and gist.

Against the background of the events of Polish history which are the freedom signs it can be clearly noticed that freedom and liberation are not autotelic aims. The Church as a depositary of freedom, reaching the history of Covenant, points to the horizon – the freedom hedge which is the God’s law. It emphasises that the freedom was, and still is, the aim of liberation but the covenant is the face of freedom. The protecting of freedom by the covenant as the God’s law means a today’s neuralgic question about the secular nature of the state, its autonomy.

The statements of last great popes: John Paul II and Benedict XVI analyse this problem brilliantly and show peculiar penetration of state and religious issues. It is seemed to be the exact indication on our Polish reality.


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How to Cite

Bortkiewicz, P. (2019). Paradigm of freedom and liberation. Historical and theological reflections. Studia Włocławskie, 21, 531–546. Retrieved from


