Teenager as an addressee of the content of the faith during the Religious Education in the secondary school


  • Jacek Buta Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie


youth, teenager, Religious Education, religious instruction lesson, religion instructor, God’s Epiphany, theological knowledge, handing down of faith contents


Each generation resumes a reflection on the faith and God’s Epiphany given in the Bible. It is obvious that young Pole’s relations with God are successively relocated to the personal level. It is confirmed by the researches on the religiousness of the youth belonged to Catholic Church which shows that the teenager distils his/her religious knowledge mainly from the family message, Religious Education, participation in the liturgy and other sources – the most important here are television and the, widely understood, Internet media. The period between 13 and 18 year of human life is the time of not only intensive development of cognitive aptitudes, but also identity crisis. The identity must be redefined. It also pertains the attitude to God and the relation with Him.

This article tries to describe how Religious Education in a secondary school plays its role in handing down the theological knowledge. It also shows the reasons leading to distortion of the giving contents or causing misunderstanding of them.


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How to Cite

Buta, J. (2019). Teenager as an addressee of the content of the faith during the Religious Education in the secondary school. Studia Włocławskie, 21, 293–312. Retrieved from https://studiawloclawskie.pl/StudiaWloclawskie/article/view/120


