Excellence of the Christian life according to blessed Antoni Rewera


  • Marek Tatar UKSW


spirituality, consecrated life, religious life, martyrdom, sacramental spirituality, radicalism, vocation


Henri Bergson, claims that “the greatest heroes of history are not conquerors, but saints”. Looking at the group of saints of the Church and delving into the history of their sanctifying path, we gain such a conviction. To the group belongs to Bl. Fr. Antoni Rewera (1869–1942), priest of the diocese of Sandomierz and martyr from Dachau. He left an unusually testimony of giving his life for truth and therefore is called as “Maximilian of Sandomierz”. In addition, this graduate of the Academy of Spirituality in St. Petersburg has left a huge amount of publications and manuscripts that outline the real sanctifying path of a Christians. Its characteristic feature is the radicalism steaming from total dedication to Christ – the Truth. She found her realization in the Rule written by Him for the Congregation of the Daughters of Saint. Francis, which He is the founder.


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How to Cite

Tatar, M. (2019). Excellence of the Christian life according to blessed Antoni Rewera. Studia Włocławskie, 21, 183–206. Retrieved from https://studiawloclawskie.pl/StudiaWloclawskie/article/view/113


