Saint Joseph – a model of close relationship with Christ in the life of consecrated people


  • Czesław Józef Parzyszek UKSW


Saint Joseph, model, Jesus Christ, relationship, consecrated person


A man is capable to attain sanctity only by his friendship with God, who becomes his companion and the main character of his life. Without close relationship with God, the development of spiritual life is impossible. The invitation to closeness with God is addressed to all the people who want to trust their life to merciful Father, and especially to those, who sacrifice themselves totally to serve God, to the consecrated persons, because they are the ones to certify that their life is permanently rooted in Christ and it is a home and a school of communion for them.

Such an attitude was manifested by St. Joseph. He was learning the proximity to God from Christ and he did not disappoint by making his decision. His sanctity can be and it is a good example for all those, who want to built their close relationship with God’s Son, experiencing his presence in every moment of their lives.

The present article is a description of the close relationship of Joseph and Jesus. It also presents the niches in which this glorious patriarch can serve the consecrated persons as a model to follow on the way of their vocation.


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How to Cite

Parzyszek, C. J. (2019). Saint Joseph – a model of close relationship with Christ in the life of consecrated people. Studia Włocławskie, 21, 153–170. Retrieved from




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